Which is best CMS WordPress or Blogger

The most of the old blogger you see have been moved from BlogSpot to WordPress platform. There are many reason that why they are moving from this famous and free CMS to new trends. The Google’s Own BlogSpot is very frustrating because they own them and disable the highly running blog without any reason. And if the reason is behind that we don’t know that what was.  The time surfed on BlogSpot and the chances for win spoil when such event occur in life. (You may Notice such experiences in your life). The both scripts have pros and cons that will make them differentiate the level to choice.

Best Blogger vs WordPress Comparison with Pros and Cons

All it done again but  who will pay our efforts and past time. And even if we have hundreds of article on the blog then it’s heart shocking reason for us. The experiences and trends reveal that why we should go to some that place that will be safe for us and we can do much for us. And we have least risk and the most thing that I love the backup of that website if you have taken such steps to backup of your whole data.

This time I am sharing my experiences and the users review extract the what is best form blogger and WordPress platform. This article the only to change your mind that why WP is best for your webmaster career and how much safe for you in next years. The other thing will be discussing in our next article.

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WordPress vs Blogger the Pros & Cons a blogger must know

Both platforms have som pros and cons that can be figured out here.

Pros Blogger:

  1. Mostly Free Template Customization
  2. Free Web Hosting for Life
  3. Free Blog Templates
  4. Very Secure from hacking
  5. Data Backup option
  6. Now custom CSS files support
  7. Very Fast Loading
  8. Very Easy to use

Pros in WordPress:

  1. Free and Professional Premium Themes
  2. Self-hosted platform and Free by WP
  3. SEO friendly against blogger
  4. free plugins to customize the blog
  5. Files & root Directory access to Edit
  6. Easy to use
  7. Drag and Drop Customization
  8. Customized URL
  9. Image Optimization
  10. Security Features updates
  11. WordPress version updates Regularly
  12. Different types of Users (Admin, Author, Editor, Subscriber)
  13. Default Post Ping to pingdoms and many search engine

Beside good features from all aspects the Blogger & WordPress have some bads also. But the pros are most from cons.  But the Race going toward wordpress. You may see the features are really cool and Look of WordPress is more more than blogspot.

Cons of Blogger:

  1. Not SEO friendly
  2. Images not SEO Optimized
  3. Prohibited Root Folder Access
  4. The blog can be deleted and Disabled by Google any time
  5. No Plugin Support
  6. No Good customer support for Blogger
  7. Low level of Customization

Cons of  WordPress:

  1. WordPress is Secure

WordPress is not most secured because this is famous and most used CMS and spammers ever try to defeat it. But the latest version of WordPress are launched regularly to overcome bugs and security issues. you can do it yourself buy installing many plugins and having strong password to secured yourself.

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Tip: you can be safe by updating wordpress and all installed plugins to be safe be bugs and security risks.

  1. Over loaded time:

When the blog get old by many posts and increasing database heavy then the server got lot of load and sharing base server does not support and you may transfer to some VPS or Dedicated servers. But these days many hosting providers are providing wordpress hosting with CDN (Content Delivery Network)  and SSD Drives base sever support that defeat this type of Cons of WP. This type of customized wordpress hosting is best for big website having millions of traffic.

You may find that all pros and cons (Good and Bad) of blogger vs wordpress are revealed and the result comes to know that the wordpress base blogs and website are much more the blogspot simple and un-owned blogs the may be lost any time from you. I have many blogs each one with wp installed and I am lucky to know most of about this CMS in Free.


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