How to Add YouTube Subscribe button in website

When someone visit’s our website, we want that it may perform some extra activity on that page rather than only visiting and going back to any other website. If someone likes our website he must bookmark it or have some other option for that like liking our Facebook page, following us on Twitter and subscribing to us on the youtube channel.How to Add a YouTube Subscribe Button in Blogger

All that have a good option to get back to him again to visit our website and he will have some updates after some days or months whenever he visits our social media page. The learning about youtube subscribe blogspot, you will be guided here step by step.

YouTube is the most viewed video hosting website that shares ideas and entertainment with us. And when we share something on youtube that has the reason for the visitor with some good tutorial or good stuff for the user then we have a good chance to get high traffic with that. Today we are sharing here the most used option of How to Add a YouTube Subscribe Widget on the website of wordpress, blogger or custom website Scripts.

How to Add YouTube Subscribe Button in WordPress:

To add this YouTube Subscribe Button in WordPress you will have to add the below code in your WordPress widget and save it. You will have to change the word “pparaphrasingstool” with your own channel name.

<script src=””></script>

<div class=”g-ytsubscribe” data-channel=”pparaphrasingstool” data-layout=”default” data-count=”default”></div>

How to Add YouTube Subscribe Button in Blogger:

This is the same as the above code Simply change your own channel name. You will have to add this code in the site layout. Firstly go to the blogspot layout.  Select the widget to which you want to add YouTube Subscribe Button. Find the edit button from the site widget and  Paste the code and click the save button.

You can customize the widget button Layout, Theme colour, and Subscriber count feature and My application listen for button events like features in your widget. Find more features to edit in this link.

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